Self-Care for EHDDI Professionals
Caring for others requires leaning how to care for yourself, and especially how to manage your stress and stay present in the face of witnessing suffering. This workshop will offer some of the latest information, research and practices in the emerging fields of compassion and resilience, along with an opportunity to experience specific practices, and small group reflections and exercises. These practices are immediately applicable to your work and personal life, with the intention of helping you not only do your job better, but to help you be able to leave your job at the end of the day feeling ‘well used, not used up’.
Presenter: Diane Hetrick’s many years of experience as a Physical Therapist working with patients with chronic pain and illnesses led her to explore mindfulness to help people find more ease and well-being in their lives. She has developed interest in working with health care providers, helping them become more aware of how to access their natural compassion and increase their resilience and well-being as an antidote to empathy fatigue and burnout. Diane completed the Certificate in Mindfulness Facilitation training through the Mindfulness Awareness Research Center at UCLA and the Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) Teacher Certification Program through the Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research and Education at Stanford University. Diane is now a Senior Educator in the CCT program and teaches CCT classes at the U of WA Center for Child and Family Well-being.